Hi, I'm Rob!

I built my first website in 2013. It was through Squarespace, but it worked for my friend's business needs. He was a contractor in need of a place to funnel customer interactions and quote requests. A mututal friend saw it, liked it, and asked for a build of their own. This was for their law practice. The next website was for an event company. I spent a few years continuing to take on clients, while pursuing live event videography and holding a full time job as a Project Manager in the construction Industry. When the pandemic hit, that avenue dried up, and I had to find a way to keep the train rolling. I was able to pivot to taking on more web development clients, and doubled down on building full stack applications custom tailored to my clients' needs.

With the rapid changes in technology available today, every business needs a web presence. Having something available for customers will help you control how your business interacts with customers, and give you a deeper insight into the flows of information from customers seeking out your business. Even if your presence is 'basic', any presence is better than no presence in today's climate. I offer a wide range of services for your business and personal portfolio needs, and welcome the chance to brainstorm with you. Let me help you get your project off the ground; get in touch today!